I have a lot of new vintage style clothes and my collection of victorian and edwardian garments is growing up , so I really want to share it with you vintage lovers.
I'm thinkin how to improve this old blog, if you have any ideas share it with me :)
I have to admit I missed a lot writing and reading about vintage style life, so I'm trying to repair.
In my first post after all this months (a year or so) I'll share with you 2 pictures which came in my hands from my aunt and are now displayed in my living room . I'm proud of them :)
My great aunt Eudemia (I told you about her and her life many months ago) and her husband Giovanni are posing in this pictures on they wedding day (May 2 1939) and on their honeymoon in Venezia (Venice). My aunt had a very unfortunate life, she died at only 25 just some months after her husband came home from war in 1945.
I pray for her everyday and I would have loved to meet her because I look a lot like her.
Hope you will like these pictures and will continue following me, I promise I will take better outfit pictures!!!!!!!
See you soon
(taken after our wedding, may 2 1939, Rome)